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Tuesday, April 4, 2017

March 2017

Hello again
Here's our news and photos for March. Not so much this time as Steve and Ulla went off to Sydney for a while and we didn't do anything exciting while they were away! 
However, Mike did manage to get our new gates put up - with only a little bit of help from me! Hopefully now we wont be bothered again by intruders!

 Fruit on our Lilly Pilly tree - they taste quite nice!

When Steve and Ulla got back from Sydney and after a couple of days in Kalgoorlie, we all went once again to Mundaring Weir. This time is was a beautiful day, with no torrential rain as there had been on their visit when they first arrived here. We walked over the dam and right through the park to the Mundaring Weir restaurant where we had a lovely lunch and saw a whole mob of kangaroos which the staff  had put out grain for. Ulla was thrilled to see so many altogether and up so close.

Walking across the dam....

...some of the beautiful flowers....

...and roses in the park

We were all surprised to see the '28' parrots on the tables at the restaurant finishing up the leftovers! (called 28 because that's what their call sounds like)

 Here we are in the restaurant

Mike was driving - hence the glass of water!

....but I wasn't, so had a big glass of wine, chuckle!

Afterwards we wandered  over to the nearby craft shop, then when we got back to the restaurant we saw the mob of kangaroos.

Steve and Ulla approaching the kangaroos...

.....big Daddy keeping watch

On the way home, we stopped at the camel farm and although they were saddled up ready, the caretaker said that they were closed and he was going home. It was only 3.30pm!

 The cafe was definitely closed! 

The next day we took Steve and Ulla to the airport for their flight back to Copenhagen, in, as they said 'the real Denmark!'

Off to the airport!
It was lovely to have them here for so long - our 1st family visitors since John and Silvia got married 16 years ago! - and we hope to see them again in the not too distant future.

See you again next month, hopefully!