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Sunday, February 4, 2018

Christmas Holiday videos

Hello again

Due to a lot of unforeseen happenings here at home, I have only just got around to doing the blog of some of the videos taken over the Christmas in Denmark holiday!
The videos speak for themselves, so I'll just put a brief description about each one. 
We begin with a couple of school items, the first one being Emil in a violin recital at the end of year concert.

The next is Maya at her Graduation at the Steiner School, because she has now just started the new year at Denmark Senior High School. John had a bit of trouble trying to get her in the picture as there were so many other proud Mums and Dads all trying to film their offspring!

On the Friday before Christmas, Denmark held it's Christmas Parade. John and Emil played in the Sneeches Band, but unfortunately we didn't catch them on video, but here's some videos of what we did get. We thought this Dinosaur was very clever!

Then came Kung Fu Santa on a reindeer......

...and finally Santa on the Fire Truck.

Now here are some of Christmas Eve, which is the main night for John, Silvia and family.
Between main meal and dessert we were kept amused by this silly song!

Afterwards, all the presents were opened, and here's some of the videos. Firstly Benjamin.....

.....then Jo with the flashing necklace Lizzie gave her, which she wore for the whole holiday, chuckle!........

......and finally me opening Jo's present to me and Mike!

It appears that Christmas Day passed with photos only being taken, which you will have seen in the last blog, so we'll move on now to Boxing Day.
The Boxing Day festivities started about 2.30pm with various silly games, and went right through til late with silly skits and a panto! Too many videos were taken to show them all, so here's just some of them, starting with Emil practicing on his home made drum kit......

.....Emil, John and Maya on drums performing a 'Sindy Lawper' skit, chuckle.....

.....Benjamin, our compere for the evening....

and finally the Christmas panto - Cinderella. This is a bit long, but really worth a watch!!
