Hello again
Here we are at the end of November already and Christmas just around the corner! How time flies!
This month John and Maya had a Dads and Daughters camp with some other Dads and Daughters and went canoeing in the Nornalup/Walpole region. From the photos John sent it looks like they all had a good time, chuckle! I've picked out a few of the photos to put on this blog.
They spotted this Sea Eagle in a dead tree |
River view |
Maya |
All the Dads and all the Daughters John far left front row, Maya far left back row |
All the daughters on a log! |
The canoes..... |
.....packed and ready to go....... |
.....and on the river...... |
....and on a bank somewhere....... |
.....another river view. |
Apart from this event Silvia also put on a short play in the Brave New Works festival in Denmark. It was based on the old tale of the Fisherman and his (greedy) Wife, and although we weren't there to see it, it was a great success and got a very good review in the Denmark Bulletin, which John sent us a photo of, but the text was too small to read without a magnifying glass I'm afraid, so I couldn't put it up on the blog.
At this end not much has been happening but I've been playing bowls (fun games) when possible and Mike has been walking and we've also been lucky enough to have lots of Rainbow Lorikeets and a pair of Galahs making use of our bird bath in the shade of the tree outside our lounge room window, so here's a few photos of them we took, and some walking photos Mike took.
2 galahs (one in the seed pot) and a magpie below.....
.....the 2 galahs..... |
....now only 1 galah. |
A rainbow lorikeet in the tree.... |
.....2 having a nice cooling bath!........ |
I might add that when these photos were taken there were about 15 rainbow lorikeets in the tree at the same time!
......and 1 sitting at the top of the tree. |
Our 'Umbrella' tree (left) and neighbour's palm tree |
View outside our house on a stormy day at sunset. |
One of our roses. |
View of the river from near Riverton Cafe |
Mike managed to walk all the way round to
Riverton bridge a couple of times (about 12kms there and back) and took these 2 photos.
Riverton Cafe |
Mike's also been busy with changing old taps for new ones and doing quite a lot of gardening while I've managed to make the Christmas cake (though it's not decorated yet!) and started on hunting for Christmas presents, apart from keeping the computers and mobile phones in order, chuckle!
That's it for now, but we'd like to take this opportunity to wish you all and very
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