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Thursday, April 2, 2020

March 2020

Hi everyone

Well firstly I'd like to say that we hope that all of you are keeping well and happy at this difficult time with all the restrictions. They affect all of us in different ways, but hopefully with a positive attitude and sense of humour we will all get though it OK.

Consequently there isn't much news this month as our only outings have been for a morning walk in the park opposite us, shopping once a week during the special hour for pensioners etc., and our latest visit to the Doctor's surgery for our annual Flu jabs (which was actually on 1st April - our wedding anniversary, chuckle!)

We have a few photos which, besides ourselves, Jo and John and family have provided, so I'll just put them up with captions or a few words beside them.
Emil - like all the Uni students here - is having to study and work from home and the week before this and other 'social distancing' restrictions were announced he and Chenoa attended the Denmark Senior High School Annual Ball.

Emil and Chenoa off to the Ball....

....and strutting their stuff once there!
Some of John's home grown
Fresh caught salmon!
Maya and Benjamin are also studying at home re school work. 

Jo sent these photos of her most recent art works.....
Drawing of a shawl...

...... and this print, which is like a Lino cut, but isn't a lino

She also sent these two photos of a little finch (in our book it says 'uncommon red-eared fire tail finch, so Jo was lucky to get a photo of it) and some silver eyes who come every day for food outside her window.

Now we come to our photos. We did have some excitement before all the restrictions came in. I bought a second hand digital piano, and have been 'practicing' almost every afternoon!

Maisie showing her new piano to the family
via her mobile phone

One of our lovely red roses......


Me and Mike did this very hard
jigsaw puzzle of Himeji Castle in Japan.
John said he and Silvia had visited it
some years ago while on holiday.

Lastly, here's a photo of our tomato plants which we have grown from seed! If they are still alive by the next blog, I'll upload another photo so you can see how much they've grown!

Well that's it for now. Hopefully we will have some news next month too, chuckle! albeit not much probably!

Enjoy! and keep safe and well.